I've been doing the hustle for new clients since the days of a printed add in the local newspaper.

Yes PRE social media - ancient times my friends (but ALSO only about 15 years ago)

  • I've had bricks & mortar businesses in hair & beauty
  • Worked in construction building fancy houses for rich people
  • Traveled to the most remote corners of Australia, luring my country counterparts to show up for live digital marketing workshops.
Tell me more



"I'll get the clients in the door, it's your job to get them to stay".
Getting them in is one thing, keeping them is another. 
And let me tell you THIS for nothing, the biggest instagram following in the world can't guarantee both those things happening for you! 

Come along to
my FREE Webinar

and GET OUTSIDE YOUR BUBBLE and see your business from a wider lense. Find another way from someone who won't feed you the BS promise of a cheat sheet or a secret formula .

It's straight talk all the way and I hate webinars, I much prefer live and in person so this is a rare opportunity - not to be missed!

Replays will be sent so don't forget to register today!